History’s Mystery

In spite of some of the Christians you’ve met or done business with, in spite of revivals and scandals, in spite of how you view the Bible, and in spite of your church experience, you should consider putting your faith in Jesus as your Savior. Why? It has nothing to do with your personal experience and everything to do with history’s greatest mystery. March 27, 2016

Why In The World :: The Plural of U is Us

Isn’t it funny how two people can look at the same situation and come up with two completely different conclusions? Think about Easter. It will be here soon. For some people, the Easter story is about the incredible truth of the most inclusive, welcoming, amazing message the world has ever known. For others, the holiday is tainted by the belief that God is disappointed in them. People who believe God is disappointed in them, drift away from him.

But what if God isn’t disappointed? What if he’s a rescuer? What if he wants us to run toward him instead of away from him? March 20, 2016

Starting Point :: Nothing But

Guilt is powerful. Shame can be crippling. We all have things in our pasts that haunt us. We have sin. It only takes a word, a picture, or a name to bring it all back. We know we can do better from this point forward, but how are we supposed to fix the past? We can say we’re sorry. We can ask for forgiveness. But some of the things we’ve done hang over our lives like a cloud. What can wash away our sins? September 20, 2015

Starting Point :: Something Happened

Everything that exists had a starting point . . . including you. You may have started on purpose. You may have started by accident (from your parent’s perspective). You may even have started through the magic of medical science. Whatever the circumstances, you had a starting point and it began before you were aware of it. Physical life is one of many starting points. Your formal education had a starting point. Your career had a starting point. Your romantic life had a starting point. Your experience as a parent had a starting point. Faith has a starting point as well. August 23, 2015

Follow :: Unfollow

Jesus invites everyone to follow him. Being a sinner is a prerequisite. Having doubts is a prerequisite. That’s because we’re all sinners and we all have doubts. Following Jesus results in overwhelming faith, but at times it can also be inconvenient, costly, and even embarrassing. It can cause us to miss opportunities, lose business, or stand out in the crowd when we’d rather fit in. Even Jesus’ earliest followers wrestled with this tension. But one of his disciples asked a question that put everything in perspective: “To whom shall I go?” May 31, 2015

Follow :: Follow Wear

Everyone is invited to follow Jesus. Being a sinner doesn’t disqualify you. Being a doubter doesn’t disqualify you. The goal of following Jesus is a faith that overcomes our fear of the future or our current circumstances. It’s a faith that gives us peace. But what do people who follow Jesus look like? What do they wear? May 3, 2015