In The Meantime :: A Purpose and A Promise

Every once in a while, we run into people stuck in unchangeable, unalterable, in-the-meantime circumstances who get to the place where they’re able and willing to receive their circumstances, their afflictions, their illnesses, their losses, and their disabilities as coming from the hand of their heavenly Father. How do these people maintain extraordinary faith despite extraordinarily difficult circumstances? Where do they find the peace that characterizes their lives? August 21, 2016

In The Meantime :: The New Normal

What do we do when our circumstances are so challenging there’s no way forward and no way out? We have problems for which there seem to be no solutions. We have questions without answers. During times like these, we’re tempted to run or give up. We’re tempted to give in to jealousy, resentment, and anger . . . especially anger toward God. That’s because when life gets hard, it feels like God is absent, apathetic, or angry. But what if he isn’t? Is it possible to hang on to joy, hope, and patience in the meantime? August 14, 2016


We all want autonomy. We all want to be in charge of our own destinies. It’s good to be king. That desire is natural, but it’s also problematic because it can cause us to drift toward isolation. We need the forced, sometimes uncomfortable, structured relationships that groups provide. You need community and somebody in community needs you. August 7, 2016

Come and See :: The Cue To Who

When Jesus’ earliest followers invited people to come and see him, they weren’t trying to explain something. They were inviting others to experience someone. A living example is better than a lengthy explanation. If people don’t like what they see in us, they won’t come and see with us. But how do we know who, when, and why to offer an invitation? July 31, 2016

Come and See :: Experience Required

You may have wondered, How did the church get started? Why do people all over the world gather together every week to worship God? From the earliest days of the church until today, people become followers of Jesus in the exact same way: through an invitation. July 24, 2016

Come and See :: God Provides

Access was built on the idea that the hope that God offers us is too big to keep to ourselves. But, sometimes, telling others about what God has done for us doesn’t seem like enough. The more we try to explain, the more we realize some things are simply beyond explanation. Listen as Rich Barrett shares some important and exciting news about the future of Access Church. July 10, 2016


Too often, the church doesn’t feel like a safe place for people who are far from God. They experience judgment and rejection. But that’s not what Jesus intended when he established his church. He meant for the church to be a magnet for the unchurched, a place where they could find reconciliation with God. June 19, 2016