Re:solution :: What Breaks OUR Hearts

Most people begin the New Year asking, “What should I do about me?” In this series, we introduced a different question: “What breaks your heart?” If you want to become a better person, do something the make the world a better place. Maybe this series has inspired you. But maybe you don’t know what breaks your heart, or maybe you know what breaks your heart but you don’t know what to do about it. If that’s where you are, the church can help. January 29, 2017

Re:solution :: Pro-Motion

This is the season of self-improvement. We challenge ourselves to get slimmer, stronger, and smarter. But if you want to become a better person, focus less on yourself and more on doing something to make the world a better place. The challenge is that making the world a better place requires giving up some part of our lives—time, money, or opportunities. It will cost you some life. We don’t want to give up some life. We want to preserve our lives. But Jesus said that the only way to live a life of purpose and meaning is to give our lives away. January 22, 2017

Re:solution :: Something To Show For It

This is the time of year when we become painfully aware of where we are not, who we are not, and what we need to do differently. Traditionally, it’s a season of self-absorption. We wonder how to get slimmer, stronger, and smarter. We wonder how to get out of debt. We wonder how to become better people. If you really want to become a better person, do something this year to make the world a better place. But how do you determine what you should do? January 15, 2017

Re:solution :: The Better Question

This is that time of year when we become painfully aware of where we are not, who we are not, and what we need to do differently. Traditionally, the new year is a season of self-absorption. It’s all about what we can do to make ourselves better people. The result is that churches, health clubs, debt counselors, and vitamin shops do a booming business.

But we tend to forget that the people we respect the most didn’t devote their lives to becoming the best version of themselves. They devoted their lives to making a difference in the world . . . or in someone’s world. January 8, 2017

Light of The World

Bible stories are often told like fairy tales; they become larger than life. But the author of the Christmas story included a footnote that firmly plants the story of Jesus’ birth in an historical context. Luke wanted us to know that what “came to pass” was not a fairy tale, but rather the greatest story ever told. December 18, 2016

Killin It :: Known Survivor

We all want to be friended, followed, linked, and mentioned. We all want to be recognized, admired, sought after, and envied. We hunger for approval. We want applause. We want to be known. But what do you do when there is no amount of “known” that will satisfy your appetite? December 11, 2016

Killin It::Remote Controlled

There is a sin that is so common to the human experience, it is the gateway to all other sins. It promises to make us bigger, better, and more important, but only makes us smaller and meaner. It strips us of our capacity to connect with others. It stands between us and our heavenly Father.

So, what is “it” and how do we kill it?

December 4, 2016

First Christmas

Have you noticed how people seem to get lit up about Christmas earlier and earlier every year? For some, the Christmas season can’t come early enough. For others, any mention of Christmas before Thanksgiving is a major annoyance. But for still others, the holidays add new layers of complexity. Over the last year, they’ve lost loved ones, seen their families fractured, watched as key relationships unraveled, faced life-threatening illnesses, or struggled with unexpected and unwanted career changes. If you’re one of those people, how can you appreciate the holiday season when life has turned upside down? The key lies in the significance of a promise embedded in The First Christmas. November 27, 2016