Killin It::Remote Controlled

There is a sin that is so common to the human experience, it is the gateway to all other sins. It promises to make us bigger, better, and more important, but only makes us smaller and meaner. It strips us of our capacity to connect with others. It stands between us and our heavenly Father.

So, what is “it” and how do we kill it?

December 4, 2016

First Christmas

Have you noticed how people seem to get lit up about Christmas earlier and earlier every year? For some, the Christmas season can’t come early enough. For others, any mention of Christmas before Thanksgiving is a major annoyance. But for still others, the holidays add new layers of complexity. Over the last year, they’ve lost loved ones, seen their families fractured, watched as key relationships unraveled, faced life-threatening illnesses, or struggled with unexpected and unwanted career changes. If you’re one of those people, how can you appreciate the holiday season when life has turned upside down? The key lies in the significance of a promise embedded in The First Christmas. November 27, 2016

The Pain and Promise of Obedience

We want to feel closer to God. We want our faith to grow. But when God calls us, it usually involves some sacrifice. He asks us to let go of our plans for our lives so we can take hold of his plans. What would happen if you decided that when God asks you to do something, you’ll walk through the pain and sacrifice of obedience in order to discover the promise of obedience? November 13, 2016

Something For Everyone

We’re all tempted to think that obeying rules will put us in right relationship with God—if we do what he wants, he will accept us. But we find ourselves having to ask God for forgiveness over and over again. That’s because our heavenly Father’s rules aren’t designed to put us in good standing with God. They’re a reminder that we’re rule-breakers and we need someone we don’t deserve: a Savior. November 6, 2016